This Faith Community Nurses Network (FCNN) Symposium is geared toward a faith community nurse audience. Individuals outside the core audience are welcome, but space may be limited on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Thursday, January 19 from 9:15 am to 1:00 pm (Central Time) via Zoom
The prevalence of dementia, including Alzheimer’s Disease, is rising as the older population grows. Early detection has become a national priority, with the goals of preventing avoidable complications and optimizing overall health and wellbeing for affected individuals and their families. FCNs could play an important role in early detection, assuring referral to appropriate resources, and advocating for individuals and families. This symposium will provide information to enhance FCNs’ knowledge and skills in recognizing cognitive impairment and promoting good care.
FCN Nursing Scope and Standards: Standard 1 – Collects pertinent data and information relative to the health care consumer’s health and/or situation.
Learning Objectives:
1. Explain the importance of early detection and education in early cognitive changes and the role of FCNs in this process.
2. Distinguish between cognitive changes with normal aging and signs of dementia.
3. Demonstrate the use the Mini-Cog© Quick Screening for Early Dementia and the MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment tools for the detection of clinically important cognitive decline.
4. Identify strategies for connecting clients and caregivers with resources which provide education and support for cognitive impairment.
5. Discuss the intentional care of the spirit for persons with cognitive impairment and their caregivers.
Key Presenter:
Dr. Soo Borson
Founder of the Mini-Cog© and Nationally Recognized Dementia Expert
A Guest Panel will include faith community nurses, and dementia care service providers.