Please join us at our next event, Flipping the Script: A Teach-In for Healthcare Workers on Homelessness and Aging, taking place on Monday, March 13th, 2023 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST.
At this teach-in event, a panel of individuals with lived experience of homelessness will teach healthcare professionals, trainees, and other interested audience members about how experiencing homelessness as an older adult has affected their health. Participants will also share their experiences navigating the healthcare and homelessness systems as older adults.
Register here:
You will receive a confirmation email with a downloadable calendar invitation and Zoom link upon registration.
This event is being hosted by the Health x Housing Lab, and The Health & Housing Consortium, and the Corporation for Supportive Housing.
Reposted courtesy of the Health x Housing Lab and the Department of Population Health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine