On April 25, 2023, from 2-3 p.m. ET, the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center will host the webinar, It’s More than Just Money – Strategies for Sustaining Dementia Programs.
This webinar will highlight two Administration for Community Living Alzheimer’s Disease Programs Initiative grants efforts to create sustainable dementia programs. The various aspects of community, organizational and financial sustainability will be explored. Specific strategies and methods will be discussed, including the use of outcomes data, organizational fit, potential models, and funding sources to sustain programs. Challenges will also be shared to highlight areas needing further exploration, analysis, and pitfalls to avoid.
Additional information about this webinar and the registration form can be found here: 4-25-2023 NADRC Webinar-Strategies-for-Sustaining-Dementia-Programs
Please note:
If you have questions, please email [email protected].
Reposted courtesy National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center