Reposted courtesy National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center
NADRC Webinar on Building Aging- and Dementia-Friendly Systems
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 | 3:00-4:00 PM ET
Join the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center for “It’s a Journey: Age Friendly and Dementia Capable Health Systems.” During this webinar, participants will learn about the age-friendly and the dementia-friendly health system movements. These two national movements are working in tandem to improve the health and well-being of older adults living with dementia and their families.
The webinar will include examples from:
• The John A. Hartford Foundation, which has led the development of the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and other partners using the 4Ms Framework: what Matters to the older adult, Medication, Mentation (including dementia), and Mobility.
• MaineHealth, whose work to become a dementia-capable health system occurred in the alignment with their efforts to become an Age-Friendly Health System. By aligning these initiatives with other system programming, and working with many community partners, there are sustainable and ongoing mechanisms to assess and support individuals in the community with dementia and their caregivers.
NADRC webinars are free of charge and open to the public, although pre-registration is required. The webinars are recorded and will be available for future viewing on the NADRC website. Closed captioning is available during the webinar and will be included in the recording.
Contact [email protected] with any questions.